Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hey sis !! how was liFe ?? know what, i really nver had the chance to say how i appreciate you, but anyway, i know its too late for me to open up these hidden emotions i wanna share eversince.. we`re all grown up now, no time for such things.. i always hesitate to say this.. i try not to, but it hurts..
`Coz i know all those memories and yesterday`s feelings will be lost and gone in time.. i dont think i`d ever told you, But i know we always did our best in the hard times that only made us stronger.. the laughters thatinspires me to go on.. the conversations that are.. well.. only "forjuan" can ever understand.. "can you follow ?" maybe.. "youre not listening !" ahahaha..
i`ll always miss the season in the comfort of your smiles.. though its hard, i must accept the fact that we cant live with the past and we must go on !
As i look at this picture, i remember how we all split apart.. those faces i would never ever forget on my entire life.. ^__^
know what ?? ive learned to be concious about how do i look.. eventhough i miss playing any games with you again.. but right now,.. i am expecting it will never be the same way like before.. i know what and where we are right now.. i am starting to understand the fact that everyone and everything changes.. as well as the essence of the saying..
"past is past.."
ive never been the same without you.. ive LOVED you more than you have ever known.. so maybe now, you finally know.. ill just be here, maybe someday you`ll miss me.. `ll keep you in my heart..i will always live with the memories and lessons i had with you.. ill always appreciate and miss you.. S-W-E-A-R !
i just have here a few words of advice.. hope youll put its essence in your heart as a simple remembrance !.. and so i guess, ill end this up with that..
"The hardest part is not finding what we need,
Its being content with what we have !"
hugs and kisses,

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My deaRest fRiends..

this is mY bEst fRiend LigES.. wE tOOk a piCture During Our gRAduation maRch..

my Friends JErick and FeLo.. WE aRe finishing Our pERsonaL t shiRts.. (Four-onE)
a piCture oFcourse !!

My fREnd daBEh.. We aRE at thE schOol quadrangLe sUpposed to bE listEning to thE
pErson Who`s talKing on The stagE.. buT.. nVEr minD ! takiNG pictures is SO eXciting !!
oopPPss !! Sorry stanLey, ivE blOckED uR faCE !!

EvevthOugh We are sAd thaT momenT, stiLL a piCture muSt
contain a haPPy faCEs.. yeaH !!
gradUation atLast!!

durinG my Senior, He`s thE pErson wHo aDded mEAnings TO my Life..
i aLwayS remember Who i waS when im stiLL inlOved with sTePhen M. peREz..
hE`s veRy fRiendLy and niCE..
but thaT Was theN..
ivE movEd on !!

iF i WeRE a BOy T_T

If I were a boy, even just for a day
I'd roll out of bed in the morning and throw on what I wanted and go
Drink beer with the guys, and chase after girls
I'd kick it with who I wanted and I'd never get confronted for it
Cause they stick up for me

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he's taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

If I were a boy, I would turn off my phone
Tell everyone it's broken so they think that I was sleeping alone
I'd put myself first and make the rules as I go
Cause I know that she'd be faithful, waiting for me to come home
To come home

If I were a boy
I think I could understand, oh-oh-oohh-oh
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he's taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

It's a little too late for you to come back
Say it's just a mistake, think I'd forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You got it wrong

But you're just a boy
And you don't understand (yea, you don't understand, oh!)
How it feels to love a girl someday
You wish you were a better man
You don't listen to her
You don't care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Because you've taken her for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

But you're just a boy

mY neVer Ending STory.. (paRt 2)

jhEMiLy AT LeveL 60.. Trying TO daNce gRacefuLLy (oYe !!)

lEvel 36.. i waS sEnioR by thaT timE.. i alWAys lovE to insPire.. ^^

Run jhEmiLy Run !!!thAt`s Life aFter aLL!!

i FInaLLy fELt thE sECuriTY of COnfuSsion StrikE.. haPPy
bEcausE i am FeeLing thaT sOoner. iLL be a fULL sUppoRt !!

Look aT mE !! StiLL takiNg picTures though i aM sO
huGGard aFter sUpporting my subOrdinaTes!!
but that was my eSSence after aLL.. ^^

My neVer ending storY..

itS ouR daiLy happEnings.. mY best fRiends caSsey and sTanLey
aRe aLwayS thEre to SuppoRt jhEMily no maTter what...
tHat tiMe, i Tried TO be thE cuTest nursE ever on Ran ^^
buT thEn, thAt was aBOut mYseLf..

ThiS guRl whO`s Staring sTraigHt in Front oF you is
my besTfrIend sTanLey.. thAt timE, We arE FiniShing oUr Quest (caSSey)
wiTh thE heLp oF stanLey.. haD a Lot of Fun !!

and tHis iS mY bestfriend CassEy.. thAT timE, We aRe wAiting FOr sTanLey To arrIvE.. We Took a Cute pIctuRE With BunShEe, a maInsTay Of LeonaIr caMpus..
hoPe tO See Her aGain SooN..

ANd ThiS girL WAs jhEmiLy anD thAt waS me.. ^__^
i aM hAvinG mY haunT thaT moment and fOrtunatELy,
i Got fInE bUrr.. But That`s thE reaSon why thE ShaddoW staFf that WAs giVen By sTanley bROke.. buT shE said, (stanLey) "We`re sTiLL luCky cOz iT WAs nOT VaniSHed"
SO i SAid.. "okaY.. beTTer Luck nExt timE.. ^^"